May 19, 2022

Share pipeline results, date difference improvements, and user experience for tables team is working on multiuser mode for users to benefit from each others' work, and continue improving user experience.

Viewer mode on the pipeline scene

Results of the pipeline and deployment runs are available on the blocked scene for pipeline viewers. Users can check out the dashboards and metafiles of pipelines created by other users in viewer mode.

Update of the date difference brick

The result of the date difference now returns an integer value. Additionally, date differences may be applied to the dates formatted as integers. Casting to datetime format is performed automatically. The formatting of the input columns is not changed.

Loaders for the UI elements

Loaders were added to the tables on the pipelines, datasets views, models, and deployment pages to inform the users we are loading the data. The change provides clarity of what is happening on the screen.

Check out our previous updates

Datrics updates: Better design, deployment updates, and new XGBoost brick

Better design, deployment updates, and new XGBoost brick

Datrics updates: Better design, deployment updates, and new XGBoost brick
Datrics updates: Better design, deployment updates, and new XGBoost brick

Better design, first user experience, and clickhouse connector

ClickHouse is an open-source, high-performance columnar OLAP database management system for real-time analytics using SQL. ClickHouse is a super popular database for analytics and now you can use it with no-code analytics in Datrics.
Deployments: Deployments, first user experience, and performance

Deployments, first user experience, and performance

In this version, we created the pipeline deployments from scratch by introducing a new fault-tolerant and reliable architecture. Now enterprise users can run pipelines in production in a separate computation cluster that gives better performance and stability.